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Code Development


Australia first introduced energy efficiency measures for residential buildings into the Building Code of Australia in 2003. Since then, energy efficiency requirements have improved three times under the code, for both residential and non-residential buildings. The most recent improvements took place in 2010. 

Start Year
Exact Start Year
2 003
Start Year Range
2000 - 2009
Revision Schedule
Yes, a revision schedule exists
Revision Schedule Explanation

Australia plans to introduce revisions in 2019.

Existing Code Coverage
Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement
Working group
Technical Committee
Best Practices
New Buildings
Existing Buildings

Code Implementation - Compliance & Enforcement

Administrative/Enforcement Structures

Enforcement model: local government sets regulatory environment, monitors and enforces compliance. Third-party assessors may also participate in checking compliance at design stage and during construction.

Compliance Checking on Design
Yes, compliance is checked on Design
Compliance Checking on Construction
Yes, compliance is checked on Construction
Compliance Checking on Pre-Occupancy
Air Tightness testingy
Commissioning before occupancy
Yes, commissioning is happening before occupancy
Commissioning after occupancy
Yes, commissioning is happening after occupancy
Compliance Software Residential
Yes, commissioning is happening after occupancy
Compliance Software Non-Residential
Yes, Software exists
Penalties for non-compliance
Refusal Permission to construct
Refusal Permission to occupy
Suspension or loss of licence
Other penalties
Fines are theoretically possible but rarely applied
Incentives and Recognition program for compliance
Incentives and Recognition program for compliance
Awards/Grants/Tax Breaks

Various tiers of the government offer grant programs, and sectors of industry provide their own best practice benchmarks through voluntary mechanisms. Many industry associations feature an award category for buildings with exemplary energy efficiency or sustainable design practice. Other incentives include voluntary building industry initiatives, rebates, energy auditing programs, national industry rating systems such as GreenStar.

Compliance Rate monitoringe
Yes, it exists
Compliance Rate Publicised
Yes, it exists
Compliance Lessons Learned
Yes, it exists

Compliance studies showed that there is significant non-compliance or under-compliance, poor industry knowledge and practice, cost cutting, lack of enforcement and that there is limited value in putting up stringencies further if practitioners are not complying with the existing requirements.

Compliance Energy Use Statistics
Compliance Rate in % NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details

Capacity Building and Education

Awareness Raising
Awareness raising
Resourse kits
Compliance Training
Online resources -
Professional Curriculum

Programs focused on engaging with industry through surveys, seminars, workshops and technical committees to identify issues and possible solutions, as well as on refocusing from the importance of energy efficiency to the importance of making it work.

Building materials

Building Materials Ratings
Building Materials Ratings
Reference standards included in codes
Tested by certified test labs

Building materials are rated through voluntary industry schemes, but have to meet referenced standards in the code. There is no national labelling scheme for energy efficient building products, but building designer and inspector need to certify that the building materials, along with other features of the building, can meet the performance requirements of the code, including, where necessary, satisfying standards that are referenced.

Energy Performance Certificates

EPC Implementation
EPC Implementation
Mandatory disclosure commercial -
Mandatory disclosure residential -
