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Code Development


The national government implements and monitors energy policy, such as the Energy Performance in Buildings Directive (EPBD) and other European directives. In 2015, the national government adopted 3 new decrees unifying national building energy codes. Regional governments will still play the leading role in implementation. Prior to 2015, regional building regulations had been adopted in 12% of Italian municipalities with a combined population of over 21 million people (out of 60 million). 

Start Year
Exact Start Year
1 973
Start Year Range
< 1980
Revision Schedule
Revision Schedule Explanation

In line with EU requirements for EPBD and EED.

Existing Code Coverage
Stakeholder Engagement NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Best Practices NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details

Code Implementation - Compliance & Enforcement

Administrative/Enforcement Structures

Enforcement model: third party and/or mix of approaches. Regional professional associations conduct compliance checks. Local authorities review paperwork without a site visit. Project engineer signs a final report confirming compliance with relevant building regulations.

Compliance Checking on Design
Yes, compliance is checked on Design
Compliance Checking on Construction
Yes, compliance is checked on Construction
Compliance Checking on Pre-Occupancy
Air Tightness testingy
Commissioning before occupancy NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Commissioning after occupancy
Yes, commissioning is happening after occupancy
Compliance Software Residential
Yes, commissioning is happening after occupancy
Compliance Software Non-Residential NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Penalties for non-compliance
Other penalties
In Italy the penalty system is defined nationally, but the implementation process is regional.
Incentives and Recognition program for compliance
Incentives and Recognition program for compliance
Awards/Grants/Tax Breaks

Examples of programs that support retrofits include the National Energy Efficiency Fund supporting improvements in energy performance of owned public buildings; Financial instruments for schools, social housing and hotels and other programs.

Compliance Rate monitoringe
Compliance Rate Publicised NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Compliance Lessons Learned NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Compliance Energy Use Statistics
Compliance Rate in % NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details

Capacity Building and Education

Awareness Raising
Awareness raising
Resourse kits
Compliance Training
Online resources -
Professional Curriculum

Italy participates in several EU-level programs, such as the “BUILD UP skills”, a program that trains building retrofit workers. 

Building materials

Building Materials Ratings

Energy Performance Certificates

EPC Implementation
EPC Implementation
EPCs are referred to in codes -
Mandatory disclosure residential -

The EPC must include a set of information and indicators including: overall energy performance of the building in terms of total primary energy and non-renewable primary energy; energy rating using an overall energy performance index expressed in non-renewable primary energy; minimum energy efficiency requirements; CO2 emissions; exported energy; recommendations for improving the building’s energy efficiency; information such as energy audits and financial incentives.
