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Germany: Country Profile

Code Development


Germany has had building energy efficiency requirements since 1977. The first performance-based code, the Ordinance on Energy Saving in Buildings (EnEv) was introduced following the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) in 2002. The 2009  revision reduced maximum U-values based on different climate zones, required computer simulation for compliance, and introduced requirements for testing air-tightness, and boiler and HVAC performance. The 2014 revision further raised energy efficiency standards in new buildings and introduced new regulations for owners of older buildings.

Start Year
Exact Start Year
1 977
Start Year Range
< 1980
Revision Schedule
Yes, a revision schedule exists
Revision Schedule Explanation

The German government has committed to reducing the primary energy demand of buildings by 80% by 2050. Achieving this reduction will require foremost efficiency improvements, with a first milestone of a 20% reduction in heat demand levels by 2020. By 2020 buildings should be operating without fossil fuel. 

Existing Code Coverage
Stakeholder Engagement NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Best Practices
New Buildings
Existing Buildings

Code Implementation - Compliance & Enforcement

Administrative/Enforcement Structures

Individual German states enforce the building energy codes. Enforcers could be only government offices, government and planner, government and a third party. Usually, the local government conducts checks if there is evidence that something might be wrong. This diagram also explains Germany’s complex requirements for existing buildings

Compliance Checking on Design
Yes, compliance is checked on Design
Compliance Checking on Construction NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Compliance Checking on Pre-Occupancy
Yes, compliance is checked on Pre-Occupancy
Air Tightness testingy
Yes, Air Tightness is tested
Commissioning before occupancy NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Commissioning after occupancy
Yes, commissioning is happening after occupancy
Compliance Software Residential
Yes, commissioning is happening after occupancy
Compliance Software Non-Residential NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Penalties for non-compliance
Refusal Permission to construct
Refusal Permission to occupy
Other penalties
Fines of between 5,000.00 euros and 50,000.00 euro
Incentives and Recognition program for compliance
Incentives and Recognition program for compliance

The government-owned banking group Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) plays a central role concerning promotion of energy savings and CO2 reduction in the building sector. Between 1990 and the end of 2009 subsidies for at least 3.1 million homes were implemented. In 2009, total subsidies amounted to 16.9 billion, of which 10.6 billion was for energy efficiency and 6.3 billion for renewable energies.

Compliance Rate monitoringe
Yes, it exists
Compliance Rate Publicised NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Compliance Lessons Learned NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details
Compliance Energy Use Statistics
Yes, it exists

Statistics on permitting and energy use measures are available in public national statistics.

Compliance Rate in % NA, Check Country Information Sheet for details

Capacity Building and Education

Awareness Raising
Awareness raising
Resourse kits
Compliance Training
Online resources -
Professional Curriculum

The German Energy Agency (Dena, Deutsche Energieagentur) is a “centre of expertise for energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and intelligent energy systems” (Dena). With regards to energy efficiency in buildings it organises campaigns, distributes information to the public, supports the building sector (architects or craftsmen) to work in line with current standards and regulations and develops standards and labels for efficiency.

Building materials

Building Materials Ratings
Building Materials Ratings
Reference standards included in codes
Tested by certified test labs

Germany adopted CE marking under the Construction Products Regulation (305/2011/EU-CPR), which covers energy economy and heat retention. EU has also adopted EN 15804 (2012) Sustainability of construction works, which provides rules for reporting life cycle assessment information. Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik is responsible for the accreditation and certification of testing labs.

Energy Performance Certificates

EPC Implementation
EPC Implementation
EPCs are referred to in codes -
Mandatory disclosure commercial -
Mandatory disclosure residential -

Building codes have incorporated EPCs to varying degrees since EnEV 2002. Germany introduced an independent control system in 2014. In Germany, states are responsible for checking the quality of EPCs, but it is not clear to what extent these checks effectively take place. The federal government also conducts some quality checks through the German Institute for Building Technology (DIBt).
