[Report] Webinar #1: Front Runners in Energy Renovation Policies
Presentations & video recording of webinar #1 “Front-Runners in Energy Renovation Policies: What can we Learn from Them?” held on 29 April 2014, in partnership with the Clean Energy Solutions Centre are now available.
The webinar featured front-runners from Europe and the United States that emerged from the GBPN analysis. Panelists provided insights into how to introduce and develop a best-practice policy package that contributes to realizing a reduction in energy consumption of the residential building stock, what factors are significant in driving change, and what the market conditions and technical developments are behind best-practice renovation policy packages
Panelists’s presentations:
Jens Laustsen, Senior Policy Expert and Advisor, Global Buildings Performance Network
Presentation (PDF)
Sophie Shnapp, Policy Analyst, Global Buildings Performance Network
Presentation (PDF)
Lindsay Robbins, Cleaner Greener Communities Program, NYSERDA
Presentation (PDF)
Conny Pettersson, President, Swedisol
Presentation (PDF)
Watch the video:
Energy renovation policy has only recently come onto the political agenda and is an emerging field. The Policy Tool for Renovation compares and analyses twelve current best practice renovation policies for residential buildings from Europe and the United States, using fourteen criteria that define a “state of the art” policy package. The Tool shows where positive steps have been taken, where other jurisdictions can learn from these actions and where there is scope for further progress to help countries and region to reduce the consumption of their building stock.
Next webinars will explore the role of specific best practice elements of a policy package in driving energy renovations:
– Webinar #2: Energy saving targets and regulatory measures
– Webinar #3: Labelling and certification schemes
– Webinar #4: Financial and economic instruments.
Detailed agenda to be available shortly.
29 04 14 GBPN Presentation Jens Sophie.pdf
29 04 14 GBPN Presentation NY.pdf
29 04 14 GBPN Presentation Sweden.pdf
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