At GBPN, we choose our projects very selectively to ensure we work only where we can have the greatest impact. This includes working with governments to change policy at all levels; and implementing innovative policy reform programs to motivate decision-makers about smart and practical ways to deliver best practice in their region.
GBPN Country strategy

A green building vision
Indonesia is adding 50 million m2 of housing every year and the UN estimates that by 2050, 70% of Indonesia’s population will live in urban areas. This rapid urbanisation is driving demand for new housing like never before. Find out more about GBPN ‘s strategy in Indonesia.

Ready for change
India is undergoing an urban transformation at a scale and speed that hasn’t happened anywhere in the world outside China. Experts estimate that 50% of the building stock that will exist in 2037-38 hasn’t been built yet. Find out more about GBPN’s strategy in India.